加利福尼亚州圣何塞– 2019年10月21日 – Synaptics® Incorporated (NASDAQ: SYNA), 人机界面解决方案的领先开发商(以下简称``公司'')今天宣布,自2019年10月21日起,董事会已根据Synaptics Incorporated 2019诱导股权计划授予公司新任命的首席财务官Dean Butler股权奖励(以下简称“激励计划”),专门用于向以前不是公司的雇员或非雇员董事(或在无业的正职期之后)的个人授予股权奖励,作为对该类公司的诱因个人根据纳斯达克上市规则5635(c)(4)在公司任职。
董事会已授予迪恩·巴特勒20,517股限制性股票单位(“ RSU”),该单位将在四年内每年归属,但须在该归属日期继续为公司服务。 RSU补助金的其他条款由董事会确定,并在“激励计划”和适用于每个补助金的适用奖励协议中规定。
Synaptics (Nasdaq: SYNA) is leading the charge in AI at the Edge, bringing AI closer to end users and transforming how we engage with intelligent connected devices, whether at home, at work, or on the move. As the go-to partner for the world’s most forward-thinking product innovators, Synaptics powers the future with its cutting-edge Synaptics Astra™ AI-Native embedded compute, VerosTM wireless connectivity, and multimodal sensing solutions. We’re making the digital experience smarter, faster, more intuitive, secure, and seamless. From touch, display, and biometrics to AI-driven wireless connectivity, video, vision, audio, speech, and security processing, Synaptics is the force behind the next generation of technology enhancing how we live, work, and play.
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