Jun 11, 2020
By Michael Hurlston
A letter from Michael Hurlston, CEO and President, to Synaptics employees:
As I have been processing the series of events that have occurred over the past few months and weeks which have affected a lot of us both personally and professionally, I feel it’s important you know where I stand and what I expect from our company and you.
At Synaptics, we strongly believe in a workplace and a world where diversity and equality are core values. We are vehemently against injustice and discrimination of any kind, and condemn any such acts whether within the workplace or elsewhere. While the recent events have been shocking, they are rooted in a much deeper problem that we all need to work to resolve. It starts closest to home and we can all play a role in promoting equality and respecting diversity.
Last week, I worked with the Silicon Valley Leadership Group to put out a statement about standing up for social justice and it captures my sentiments very well. I signed the final version, taking a pledge to stand by my word. That statement is found here: https://www.svlg.org/letter-standing-up-for-racial-justice-equity/
I hope you will all join me in promoting a culture of equality and one in which social justice is prioritized.