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Our Commitment to the Environment

Synaptics recognizes the importance of protecting the environment for future generations and ensuring we can all attain a healthy and enriched life. We reduce our environmental footprint and prevent further pollution by the continuous improvement and evolution of our practices, objectives & management systems in addition to compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.

We created an Environmental Policy that applies to our operations globally and encompasses the health and safety of our employees, shareholders, investors, suppliers, channel partners and the communities in which we operate. Learn more about our environmental objectives and performance in our Environmental Policy.

Our Silicon Valley headquarters is ISO 14001 certified. View our ISO 14001:2015 certification.

We participate in the CDP climate change program and achieved a B on our most recent scored climate change request.

Synaptics recognizes the importance of protecting and maintaining the quality of the environment as an integral part of the company’s business operations. We are committed to environmental responsibility in the conduct of our business and acknowledge our responsibility to ensure that our products and services are provided in an environmentally responsible, safe and sound manner.

Our environmental governance starts at the top, with oversight of our environmental goals from our board, me and the senior management team, and extends throughout our company with our employees helping to advance our sustainability progress and achieve our goals.

For all of us at Synaptics, I want to emphasize that our commitment to protecting the environment is not only fundamental to Synaptics but also the right one for us as a corporate citizen of the world.

Michael Hurlston

Environmental Targets

Synaptics has established goals in the following key environmental aspects and is taking proactive actions to achieve these targets.


Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Reduce our absolute Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions by 15%, relative to our 2019 baseline year, by 2024.

Adoption of Renewable Energy

Increase our renewable energy consumption to 50% globally by 2024.


Reduce Waste Generation

95% of waste diverted from landfill by 2020, zero waste to landfill by 2024

Climate Change Management

Improve education, awareness-raising and employee and company capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction through on-going education and support of employee environmental initiatives.


In reducing consumption, we have upgraded our HVAC systems, increased temperature in our datacenters and converted to LED lighting at headquarters.  Additionally, we have converted to 100% renewable energy supply at our headquarters which is 45% of our total worldwide electricity usage, the remainder coming from non-renewable sources.  We have an environmental target in place to further reduced Scope 1 and 2 GHG.

We have implemented a range of measures to improve our diversion rate, such as simplifying waste segregation at our headquarters; removing the use of single use plastic water bottles and reducing waste-paper. We have also implemented a recycling program for organic materials. In our employee restaurant we use compostable single use food containers and have removed single use items such as plastic straws. E-waste generated in our offices and data center is disposed of in accordance with legal regulations, and we seek opportunities to donate fully functioning IT equipment to local community organizations. We have an environmental target in place to further improve our waste management.

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