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ULE Developers Page



  • Starter Kit for Application SW Development on both Hub and Device sides of the link
  • Dongle is the DECT-ULE Hub. DU-EB is the ULE Dual-Mode Device based on the DHAN-T Module
  • The Dongle is plugged into a PC running the DSPG Test Application GUI (Windows only) or the using the HAN Client-Server command line tool
  • The DU-EB can be operated in one of two modes (as depicted above)
  • Accompanied by the CMND Simulator running on a PC (Windows)
  • Plugged into an Arduino R3 type development platform (like ST Nucleo or Arduino)
  • A baseline SW reference package called ULEasy is available for the STM32L4 processor

Ordering Information

To order your ULE Starter Kit-System Development Tool, send a request to Synaptics sales team. Typically, kits are available for immediate shipment.

System  Development Tool SW Package

Name Link name Description
ULEasy Starter Kit Pack ULEasy SW Package Includes sample code for STM32, HAN Client and CMND and HAN simulators

System Development Tool Documentation

Name Description
ULE System Development Tool Brief Brief description of Tool
Getting Started-ULE Tutorial on using the System Development Tool
DECT-ULE Expansion Board Data Brief Brief description of Expansion Board
DECT-ULE USB Dongle Brief Brief description of Dongle
DECT-ULE Expansion Board User Manual Detailed User Manual for the DHAN-J Expansion Board
DECT-ULE Expansion Board Database Schematics, Layout and BOM
ULE-USB Dongle Data Sheet ULE Dongle Specification

Hardware Developer Collateral

Name Description
DHAN-S Module Footprint, ASCII PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (ASCII)
DHAN-S Module Footprint, PADs PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (PADs)
DHAN-M Module Footprint, ASCII PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (ASCII)
DHAN-M Module Footprint, PADs PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (PADs)
DHAN-T Module Footprint, PADs PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (PADs)
AN181, Printed Antenna Performance Describes Printed-F Antenna Reference Design
Antenna Printed PCB Database for Printed-F Electronic version of layout for customer import
DCX81 Reference Design Database (Schem, BOM, Layout) for Hub
DHX91 Reference Design Schematic and BOM for module with DHX91 SOC
Quick-Link for Testing the ULE Device Useful tool for quick validation of Device on customer production line
TBR6 Radio Test Describes how to test a DECT-ULE radio using a DECT Tester
TBR6 Radio Test Video Demonstrates DECT-ULE TBR6 radio testing

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